How to update an Android phone

Android is known for regular updates, keeping users up to date with the latest technologies. Unlike iOS, Android is open source, providing frequent updates for a better user experience. Brands like Google, Nokia, and Motorola release updates early compared to others. The frequency and process of updates depend on the phone’s brand. This article explores four ways to update your Android phone, including lesser-known methods. Let’s dive in and learn all possible ways to update your Android phone!

What is an Android update?

An Android update refers to a new version of the Android operating system that is released by Google and made available to Android device manufacturers. These updates can include new features, bug fixes, security improvements, and other enhancements that improve the overall performance and functionality of the Android operating system. Android updates can be installed over the air, via a computer, through manual updates, or by installing custom ROMs. It is important to keep your Android device updated to ensure that it is running smoothly and securely.

How to update an android phone

But now if we talk about how often we get these updates then it is a different story. We usually get updates that contain these small patches. It is because google tries to fix the bugs and improve services with these small patches instead of relying on full system updates. Although we get a full system update on our android devices at least once a year. It is not like every new update is perfect because if it were perfect you won’t be getting update patches so often. The new updates also contain bugs and security issues. It is a never-ending cycle, to be honest.

What is the latest version of android in the market? 

It is android 12. Android 12 came out on October 4 in the year 2021 with the popular Pixel 6 series. It also came along with so many cool features like color extraction, widget emphasis, quick settings tiles, auto rotation (fixed and new), wifi sharing, one-hand mode, content insertion, auto selection changed settings menu, scrolling screenshots, app search, app hibernation, AVIF image support, picture in picture, HEVC media transcoding, multi-channel audio, and many more. The version was also more secured (as it should be) like now, no apps can access the Netlink MAC address, and many other security updates.

Android 12 was so awesome and soon we are gonna get the new android 13 update. Android 13 is going to release on the 18th of August (it may release even before this article is published.) It is already in the public beta face so some of you may have already tried it. “Tiramisu” is the official code name of it. Don’t know about all the features it will include. But some features like a photo picker, quick setting tiles (custom), themed app icons, nearby device runtime permission, animation tool, prelingual (to apply a certain language on an app), Bluetooth low energy audio support, MIDI 2.0, many color changing features are confirmed. There are a lot of features that I did not include.

How do check the Latest Version of Android?

Well, before updating your Android phone there should be an update available in the first place. There is not always an update ready for your phone. like I haven’t got an update for 2 years. My phone is this outdated (as I said the frequent updates also depend on the phone’s brand.) Although you should receive a notification whenever a new update is out for your device but you can also go and check it manually. To check if the latest version is available or not do follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings option of your Android phone.
  2. Then click on the System or System update option.
  3. And it will show you if any update is available for your phone.

The process can vary for phones but according to my knowledge, this is most common in smartphones of different brands. It should be something similar for your phone (if this didn’t help.) 

You can also enable the smart update feature from here, this feature will automatically download and install new updates over a Wi-Fi connection. When your phone is idle and a new version is available. Click on the Settings icon (shaped like a gear) and then toggle on the Smart Upgrade feature.

Now, let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Android system updates. It should clear your thoughts about updating the smartphone and help you make the necessary choice.

Advantages of updating an android system 

  • Enhanced security: As I said each update on android is focused on increasing users’ security. So, that they can enjoy the services without worrying about their privacy being leaked. These updates are necessary to save you from cyber crimes. This thing alone should surely convince you to update to the late version.
  • New features: whenever I get new features on my phone or pc feels like a kid has got some new toys to play with (do you all feel the same or not?) I like to mess around with new features a lot. New features may provide you with something that your phone lacks and it will also make you enjoy using your phone.
  • Better: “Better” like in every way, the new android system updates tend to improve your phone than it was before in almost every possible manner. Your phone will run better, your experience will get better with it, and you will be more satisfied with it. Everyone wants their betterment so, nothing wrong with going for a better version right?
  • Fixes: android system update also comes with fixes that were found in the previous version of the system. The fixes can be little bugs that may be little hurdles between you and your nice experience or big major fixes in the OS of the android system. We face like a dozen of bugs on our phones, sometimes we are not even aware of that.
  • Up to date: if you don’t want to miss out on new kinds of stuff on android then you should really update your phone’s android system. Updating your android system will keep you up to date with new technologies. And, after all, I don’t think that anyone would want to stay behind others. Especially in this where new technologies get old in just a few days. I haven’t got to update my phone for about 2 years and I am really losing all the chances to experience new stuff.
  • Enhanced performance, battery, and storage: the new upgrade can also make your device more compact which will make it freer to install other apps. Some of the new updates also improve the battery performance of android devices. Now, if you get all these above things in a system update wouldn’t it enhance your phone’s performance? Your phone will be faster, smoother, bug-free, securer, and newer. The new updates are also usually more user-friendly. 

Disadvantages of updating an android system 

I know you all may be wondering that just now I wrote all the good stuff about updating your smartphone and now this. I mean yes! There are so many advantages you will get once you update your smartphone’s OS to the latest build. But, there can be bad consequences of it too. So, just to make you aware of what type of problems you can face after updating the android system. I am discussing the disadvantages of updating an android system. Here they are:

  • Newer: as I said that the system update makes your phone newer and you all be wondering what’s wrong with that well, there is. You may just don’t like the new version of your android system. it may not look good, or not work fine compared to the version you are using at the moment. The newer version may be difficult for you to handle or you may not be compatible with it. The new interface and new features may not be user-friendly and it may take a hard time to learn and use them. You may miss the older version and want to get back to it (if that’s possible).
  • Bugs: I know I said that the new version is supposed to fix the bugs. Bugs that were present in the current version but the new version may also worsen them. And who says that the new versions can not have bugs? The current version may be bug-free and updating to the new version may affect your experience with bugs (in the new version.) can not be sure how bad bugs will the new version have. You can’t fix those bugs either (some of them could be solved.) The only option you will be left with is to wait for a new update that has a solution for them.    
  • Decreased security: we are most concerned about our privacy these days and our phones include like, hundreds of things that we don’t want to spread out. Just, for example, your banking details. The new system update can seriously downgrade the level of security you have in the current version. We know that new versions are aimed to be more secure. I even stated above that this thing (enhanced security) alone should surely convince you to update to the latest version. But it should also convince you not to update. Who knows the new version can be a failure too in protecting your privacy.
  • Incompatibility: your phone may show that the new version is available but sometimes the new versions are not compatible with your device. I know you will think that it is showing that an update is available. Then it is compatible but sometimes updating to those versions can your phone’s performance to degrade. The new version may not leave sufficient space on your phone. Your device’s hardware could also have a hard time dealing with the version.  
  • Decreased performance and battery: if a new version has the capacity to enhance the performance of your phone. Then it has also the capacity to decrease it. The new version may have less usability as compared to the current one. Also, the new features and all stuff included in the new android update may overwork your phone’s battery. Leading it to drain faster than before.

What’s the right to update an android phone?  

It completely depends on you. If you are a curious guy who wants to see everything that the new version has got. Then I think you should update to the latest version ASAP. But if you are a guy with patience and can wait for a little time. Then you should wait until that time when some people have installed the new version. Also have put the review out too. So, you can read the review and decide whether you want to update to the latest version or not. If you ask me. It is better to wait for a little because there are so many tech guys on the internet. They will give you the right review of the update. They also don’t take so long to review it so, it is also worth waiting for, if it takes time.

Things one should know be ensured of when updating the android OS

There are some instructions that every user must follow when they are updating their android phones. Because not following these instructions can ruin the update process. The  instructions are: 

  1. Battery percentage: always check your phone’s battery percentage and not only check them make sure your phone has enough battery. So, that it can last until your phone updates fully. If your phone’s battery is low then charge it first then put it to update. The higher the battery percentage the better. Best to charge it up to 70% to 80% before updating if, you ask me. Well, because sometimes the update patch is large in size. So, it takes really long time to download and install it. If your phone runs out of battery in the middle of the update process then you are done.
  1. Keep your phone idle: your phone will also recommend it to you when you put it for the update. It is not like using an app where you can jump from one app to another when a task is going on. Doing any activity on your phone during the update process can hinder it. And as a result, can cause you big trouble. You should also not restart it if the phone is taking a long time to update. It is normal for an update to take time and your phone can freeze too while at it. Also do not rush to use it when the update is complete, give it some time. Also, close the recently used apps, it will save your phone from freezing.
  2. Make a backup: yes! The update process is indeed completely safe and it is not going to affect the data on your phone. But just in case you should make a backup of all your necessary data and save it in a safe place. You can use another device, drive, or a USB for that. I mean you can lose all your data if something goes wrong with the update process. it is a wise decision to always (no matter the condition) back up your data. It can come in handy at various times.
  3. Internet connection: please consider a good internet connection when going for updating your Android smartphone. Because as you know some of the Android updates are large in size. So, using a fast internet connection will save a lot of time to download. Also, make sure to ensure that you have sufficient data to download the update package.

Tip- put your device on charge when updating. So, no tension of it running out of battery while updating and you can do your other chores meanwhile.

If you are using a PC/laptop to update your Android phone then it is recommended to use a good laptop. One that has pretty good specs and can handle the burden of the update process. A low-end PC/laptop can freeze at any moment. Also, a pc can shut down immediately if the light goes out so it can disturb the process. You surely don’t want to ruin the Android update in the middle, do you? It is recommended to use a laptop if possible. Because you won’t face the electricity problem with it and also make sure that your laptop has enough charge. Otherwise what will be the difference? A trick that may be useful for you is that take screenshots of your home screen. So, you can customize it as it was before the update.

Do you really need to update to the latest version of Android?

No! It is not necessary to move to the latest version of Android. And it won’t affect your phone. It will work the same as it is right now. Although you will surely miss a lot of things. We will discuss this later in the article. what you will have to go through if you don’t update to the latest version of Android.

Now, let’s move to how to update an Android phone- All Possible ways part. So, you can choose the best update option for your Android device.

Methods to update Android OS

Method 1: How to Update Android via System Update

The most basic and known method to everyone. Updating your Android device with these is the simplest and not even a little bit confusing at all. But before, if an update is available you may already receive a notification. If not, you can also check it manually. To update your Android phone system update, do the following:

  1. First, you need to access the settings of your Android smartphone. Go to the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Then from there either you will get the System update feature on the settings menu itself. Or you will have to go deeper into the options for it. Click on the System option and you will get it there.
  3. After reaching the System update menu check if there is an update available or not. If it is available, the phone will show it already on the screen. If there is an update available on your phone then you will get a number of options for it. like Download and install now, download and install later, etc. tap on your desired choice and this is how you update your phone via system updates.

Method 2: How to Update Android via Computer         

You can also use your computer or laptop for updating your Android phone but it is a little complicated process. Make sure to follow the steps thoroughly to update your Android phone using a computer. And also don’t forget to enough charge your laptop before putting your phone to update. The steps to update an Android smartphone via a computer are as follows:

  1. First, open the web browser of your preference. You can use any browser. Like Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge, or can just go for the google chrome browser as usual.
  2. Now, you need to access the official webpage of your mobile’s brand. Since there are so many manufacturer brands and each brand got a webpage of its own. So I can’t provide the link to all the official pages here. Open the official webpage and make sure it is a legit one.
  3. Once you are on the official site, search for the Support option or something similar to it (It can vary according to the sites.) And tap on that option.
  4. Now, the page may ask you for some details. So, you will have to provide all the necessary information about your device to use that option. Then it will register your device so you can get the exact software as per your phone.
  5. Search for the new software for your Android device. If you find the update for your device then download the device management software. Make sure to download the right one okay? Because every manufacturer brand has its own device management software.  And that is a must to be able to install the update on your phone.
  6. Then launch the file you just recently downloaded on your computer, the update command is in it.
  7. Time to bring in your Android phone. Connect your Android phone to the pc via a USB.
  8. Then look for the update command inside the device management software. You should find it on a tab or the drop-down menu.
  9. Tap on the update command and command option and it will start the update process on your Android phone.
  10. You will need to go through many steps. The device will guide you just have to follow every instruction that pop-ups on the screen.
  11. Then after the new version is done installing on our phones. Disconnect it from your pc and give it a restart. Enjoy the new update.

Method 3: How to Update Android via Upgrade Package   

In this process, you download the upgrade package from the official website and then install it on your phone. To update an Android phone via an upgrade package. First, you will need to download the upgrade package itself. And to download it you will again need to go through some steps. I have already mentioned the steps you need to go through to download the upgrade package. It is in the How to Update Android via Computer section. Follow the step of it until the download the upgrade package part. Then save the download package on your phone. And also you don’t necessarily need to have a computer to download the upgrade package. Your Android phone will do the job as well. After downloading the upgrade package follow the instructions written below:

  1. Launch the Settings app on your Android phone
  2. Then head to the About phone option, it will already display that an update is available. 
  3. Then in the about phone menu section, you will hate to find the System update option. (or Software update on some phones) it will indicate “1” meaning that one update is available there. 
  4. Click on the upgrade package and proceed to install it. Your phone will restart on its own once the package is installed.  

Method 4: How to Update Android via Rooting

Before knowing how to update Android via rooting you should know about rooting because this is a risky process. Rooting your phone will allow you to gain maximum control over android’s OS. You can access those system files and folder locations that are not accessible normally. There are lots of things that one can do after rooting their phones. Such as uninstalling bloatware applications or even bypassing carrier-installed software. And it also provides you with some special privileges that you may not experience before. It is also said that rooting your smartphone also unlocks new features in various launchers and apps. So, to update your Android phone via rooting go through these: 

  1. On your computer open the web browser of your preference. 
  2. Look for a good rooting application on the web. Download and install it. 
  3. After installing the rooting application. Bring your phone and connect it to your computer with the help of a USB cable. 
  4. Open the rooting application and follow its instruction to root your phone
  5. Then after rooting your android phone give it a restart and it will automatically get the latest version of android.

And if you manually update your phone once again you will lose the rooting access on your phone. Your phone will unroot after it. So, these were all the ways how to update an android phone- All Possible ways.

Final words

So, these were it on how to update an Android phone- All Possible ways. Hope! You can choose the right update option for your Android device. also if you were wondering why I haven’t updated my phone for 2years. It is not like that I don’t want to update it, it is that I haven’t received any updates since then. And I will also encourage you to update your Android phone. Don’t worry about the consequences because if you face any problems it is likely to be solved very early. If you don’t want to stretch the update process. Then you should simply update your Android phone via the system updates option.


What happens if I do not update my android phone?

Well, if you do not update your android phone to the latest version then you won’t get to experience it. All the new stuff. which everyone is enjoying. However, your phone will still function the same as it is functioning right now. But sooner or later you are gonna feel the drawback like I am facing right now. For example, you won’t get to use or see the latest emojis. And also some of the new apps require the latest version of Android to run too. And there may be flaws in the current version you are using on your phone. Well, if you are okay with all of this stuff then there is no need to update your phone. Although you should update in my opinion.  

Why is my Android phone not updating?

There can be various reasons behind you not able to update your Android phone. Some of the things you check for are:
-Battery: there may not be enough battery on your phone to update your Android phone. Charge your phone to at least 70% before updating your Android phone
-Internet connection: a weak internet connection can be the main cause. As I said some update packages are large in size. Use good Wi-Fi to update your android phone
-Storage: well, your phone indeed has separate space for Android updates. But now, it may not be sufficient to download and install the new update. 
Or there might be something wrong with your device which is stopping your phone to update. Better go and see an expert for that.

How do I get the latest version of Android on my old phone?

es, you can update your old android phone too. Even if it no longer gets any new updates from the manufacturer. For this, you will need to get your hands on the custom ROM. Custom ROMs unlock the bootloader option and there are risks in the process so, proceed with caution. Custom ROM can also damage your phone. To update your old Android phone, do these: 
-Unseal the Bootloader. 
-Launch a custom recovery
-Make a backup of your existing Android OS
-Then flash the custom ROM and then Google apps       


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