Zshrc file – What is it?

The zshrc file is a configuration file for the Z shell, a Unix shell used for the command line interpreter. The file is used to set up aliases, functions, options, and shell commands. It is usually located in the user’s home directory.  The source command is used to load the contents of the zshrc file into the current shell. The source command can be used to load any file, not just the zshrc file.  There are a few different ways to edit the zshrc file. The most common way is to use a text editor such as nano or vim. Another way is to use the Z shell’s built-in editor, called vared. 

The file can contain alias definitions, shell options, environment variable settings, and setup commands. The .zshrc file is sourced (read and executed) by the Z shell when the user starts a new shell. The file can be sourced manually by the user using the source command. Zsh is the default shell on many Linux systems, including Ubuntu. While Zsh has many features, one of the most important is its ability to manage your shell configuration with a file called .zshrc. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use the .zshrc file to customize your Zsh environment on a Linux system. We’ll cover how to:

  • add aliases
  • change the prompt
  • install and use Zsh plugins
  • customize the Zsh environment

After following this guide, you should have a good understanding of how to use zshrc files.

Zshrc file
Zshrc file – What is it

What does the zshrc file do? 

The zshrc file is a configuration file for the Z shell, which is a command-line interface to most Linux systems. It allows you to configure the default behavior of Z shell and also provides shortcuts for common commands. The zshrc file contains information about the options that can be set in your environment. The exact details of what each option does will vary depending on your version of the Z shell, but generally speaking. These options can be used to customize how your shell behaves when you start it up or enter various commands into it. For example, if you have an option that specifies the /etc/profile directory as the location where all of your user’s initialization files should be located. Then every time you open a new terminal window or run an application with a Z shell, that change will take effect.

Aliases are a way to create shortcuts for frequently used commands. For example, the ls command can be aliased to the ll command, which will print a long listing of the contents of a directory. Shell options are used to configure the behavior. If you are using the Z shell (zsh) on your Linux or macOS system, you need to know about the .zshrc file. This file is used to store your Z shell configuration. It is similar to the .bashrc file for the Bash shell. 

Top 6 things Zshrc files do

In this article, we will show you what the .zshrc file is, how to use it, and how to create aliases. We will also show you how to source the file so that your changes take effect immediately. The Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive shell and as a scripting language interpreter. 

  1. This file controls the status bar at the bottom of your screen and shows you information about your system.
  2. It provides color schemes for your prompt and can change the colors used to differentiate between modes in Zsh.
  3. The zshrc file contains a number of functions that allow you to use features such as history, completion, and tabbing. Even when those features are not available through the command line itself.
  4. You can run commands from here without having to write them down in another file or remember their exact syntax (which would be difficult if not impossible).
  5. The zshrc file contains functions used by your shell to remember how long it’s been since it was the last run. Along with other commands that allow you to do things like customizing its behavior based on certain events occurring in your environment (like what directory you were in).
  6. The zshrc file is where you can configure Zsh so that it works exactly the way you want it to work.

How to edit the zshrc file?

Homestead, is a tool that allows you to work on your personal server. The first thing you have to do is configure the execution of programs and paths in the ~/. homestead.yaml file. This file contains configuration information for Git and Composer, which are used by Homestead. The following command will export the path at the beginning of this document:

# You can add at the end of this document:

export PATH=”~/.composer/vendor/bin: PATH”

Then save the exit and restart source ~/. zshrc, so that when you restart iTerm, the configuration will not disappear, and there is no need for source ~/. bash_profile. Although I did not use homestead, I used the same method as above to configure other execution programs.

The zshrc file is a configuration file for the Z shell, a Unix shell used by many users. If you’re a Z shell user, you may want to edit this file to customize your environment. There are two ways to edit the zshrc file. The first is to use a text editor such as nano or vim. To do this, open a terminal and type the following command:

 nano ~/.zshrc

This will open the zshrc file in the nano text editor. You can then make your changes and save the file. The second way to edit the zshrc file is to use the Z shell’s built-in editor, zed. To do this, open a terminal and type the following command:

 zed ~/.zshrc

Why is it important to edit the zshrc file? 

It’s essential to edit the zshrc file because it can be used to customize your shell. The zshrc file is a text file that allows you to customize your shell, which is what makes it so useful. When you use a shell, you’re actually using a program that runs in the background. A program that takes care of all of the things you don’t have time for. The zshrc file lets you customize that program. So that it does what you want it to do without having to keep track of all its options and features yourself.

The zshrc file is a simple text file that contains the configuration settings for your shell. It can be edited manually, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s best to have a tool to make your life easier. By editing this file, you can customize your shell to make it work exactly how you want it to work. For example, if you want an easy way to get started with Vim (or any other editor). Then just add an alias for the appropriate command. Also, by editing your zshrc file, you can change settings that affect how your shell works such as colors or tab completion.

Sections in zshrc file

The zshrc file is used to customize Z Shell. It allows you to set options and make changes to the default behavior of Z Shell. The zshrc file can be found at ~/.zshrc. The zshrc file contains the following sections:

  1. The aliases section contains a list of all user-defined commands that are automatically executed when a command is entered into the shell prompt. It also has an array containing all of the environment variables set by that particular user. Which will be automatically assigned upon execution of each user-defined command.
  2. The functions section contains any functions that have been defined for use in this shell (either by source code or by other means) and which need to be executed upon initialization of ZSH. These functions will be executed before any other commands from your system are executed. Including those found within any initialization files such as .profile or .bash_profile. They will not execute until after those files have been read, but before any other commands are executed within them.
  3. The trap section provides a list of commands that can be run when an error condition occurs during the execution of a script or function call within this shell. Allowing for the graceful handling of errors.

Configuration Sections in .zshrc

The following configuration sections are available in all ZSH configurations, and they can be used to configure your environment. Alias This section can be used to define an alias. An alias is a command that is executed in place of the original order. But with different arguments. For example, if you type “vc” and press return, your shell will execute “visudo”. If you type “alias vc visudo”, however, then typing “vc” will execute “visudo”.

Bindkey: This section defines what key combination to use for the given function (e.g., bindkey -x ). For example, if you type “bindkey + x” and press return, then typing “cd” will change directories (and not switch back to your home directory). You can define any number of functions that use this key combination. For instance, a set of commands that open files or directories in a specific directory might include “cd /home/kyle/.zshrc-example/”. If you typed this sequence of characters and pressed return. When inside the directory where those commands reside, then kyle would be replaced by whatever name was stored in the appropriate variable. 

The .zshrc file is a configuration file that contains the configuration of Z Shell. Configuration Sections are used to store different sets of options and configurations for user-specific needs. The amount of configuration sections that can be defined in a particular version of Z Shell is limited by the amount of memory available on the system.

Three types of sections

There are three types of sections in a ZSH configuration file: option groups, option groups with values, and option value pairs. Option Groups section defines an option group that consists of options with similar functionality like changing prompt styles or setting up auto-completion etc. Each option group must have at least one element called “name” which denotes what type it does and what its purpose is.

Option Groups Section:

The first line in any Option Groups section must contain a name followed by a colon (“:”). This is required when defining multiple option groups within the same section because there must be a unique identifier for each option group defined. 

Option Values Section:

A single line describes which value should be used for an option in an Option Values section by listing each variable name followed by an equal sign (“=”) followed by its value separated by whitespace. 

What are some of the benefits of editing the zshrc file?

There are a lot of benefits to editing the zshrc file, and one of them is that it can help you customize your shell. Do you ever get tired of having to remember the exact syntax for every command you type? Do you find yourself getting confused by aliases or functions? I do it all the time. And that’s why I love editing the zshrc file. It lets me customize my shell so that I can keep it exactly how I want it, no matter what I have going on.

Zsh has a lot of options, but they’re all located in different files that aren’t easily accessible. But if you know how to edit the zshrc file, then you can change those options right there in your shell. For example, let’s say that you use tmux as your terminal multiplexer (as many people do). You could add “tmux” to your zshrc as an alias or function, either way, it’ll make it easier for you to switch between applications without having to open up a new session each time.

5 great benefits 

Editing this file is an easy way to change the default settings for the shell, but it also has some great benefits! The main benefit is that it allows you to make sure that every command in your zshrc file does exactly what you want it to do.

  1. The zshrc file can be edited in a text editor, so you don’t have to use the command line.
  2. Editing the zshrc file will allow you to customize your shell for specific purposes.
  3. Editing the zshrc file allows you to change how your shell looks and acts, which can be useful if you’re looking for a new look or feel.
  4. Zshrc, which is the shell’s configuration file, contains settings that are common to all users. These settings can be customized by the user in their own personal configuration files. The zshrc file is located in the user’s home directory or in their home directory if they are not a user. This makes it possible to customize your shell completely without disturbing other users of your computer.
  5. Zshrc contains commands and functions that allow you to customize your terminal environment. These include: aliases, tab completion, history options and more!

What are some of the most common mistakes people make when editing their zshrc file?

Some of the most common mistakes people make when editing their zshrc file is not remembering to write their own functions in place of the built-in ones. These built-in functions can be very useful for things like command line completion. But if you’re interested in writing your own functions, it’s important to know what they are and how to use them. Another mistake people tend to make is using too many aliases. When you have too many aliases, it can be hard to remember which ones are which and what they do. Having too many aliases also makes your zshrc file longer, which makes it harder to read and understand.

Finally, some people forget to create a function that executes on every command line that gets executed by their user options. This can cause problems with programs that use command line arguments such as find or grep. Because the program will always try to look up options before executing the command itself. This could result in an error if there aren’t any options available! Zshrc files are, generally speaking, a bad idea. They’re not even really an option the default shell is zsh, and all modern versions of Linux ship with it installed by default. If you want to use another shell like bash or fish, you can always add it to your PATH. But the easiest way to install and configure a new command-line interface is to use the package manager already built into your distribution.

Most common ones

People make a lot of mistakes when editing their zshrc file. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Not putting a space before the first word of a function definition. This can cause errors, like when you try to run the function with an argument that’s too long.
  2. Overusing backslashes in your path setup. You want to use as few characters as possible for your command line arguments. But overusing backslashes can make it difficult for your shell to parse those arguments correctly.
  3. Changing the directory to where it needs to be.
  4. Trying to add commands that are not supported by your system.
  5. Forgetting to run chpwd before running zsh or another shell.
  6. Not replacing any references to PS1 with something else, such as zshenv or even just zshrc if you’re using ZSH itself instead of ZSH’s built-in configuration (which is what I use).

How can you use the zshrc file to make your life easier?

The zshrc file is a very powerful thing. It’s used to set up the shell in a way that makes it behave in a certain way, and you can use it to customize your shell so that it works exactly the way you want it to. One of the most commonly-used features of the zshrc file is autoenv. This feature allows you to set up environment variables for your shell.  which means that when you run a command, it will be able to use those variables instead of having to look them up from scratch every time. For example, if I want my computer to know what my username is so that commands such as cd and ls work correctly. I can set this with an env command: env -i HOME=/home/user

This command sets HOME as an environment variable, which means any time I run a command from the shell (such as cd or ls). It will automatically look for HOME in order for me to log into my home directory without having to type anything else out first. One thing you can do with the zshrc file is changed how it handles certain commands for example.  If you’re a Vim user and want to use Vim as your shell. You can put this in your zshrc file: autoload -Uz vimpager and then run zsh -c ‘autoload -Uz vimpager’ when you want to switch between Vim and Zsh modes.

Some common uses

The zshrc file is a configuration file that can be used to customize your terminal. It allows you to customize the shell you use, set up aliases and functions, and more. If you’re new to zsh, we recommend reading our Beginner’s Guide to Zsh for tips on getting started. Here are some common uses for the zshrc file:

  • Customizing the prompt.
  • Customizing your prompt with colors and backgrounds (this is important if you want to make your prompt stand out from others).
  • Setting up aliases and functions.
  • Automating tasks such as creating directories or copying files.
  • Use colors to highlight different types of information in your prompt. For example, if you want to highlight the filename of a command, you can use the syntax %f{filename} or %f{command} (without the quotes). You can also highlight other parts of the prompt like the current directory, number of arguments passed, and exit status.
  • Customize what happens when you press certain key combinations like Alt+F4 (quit the program) or Ctrl+C (copy) so that it doesn’t interrupt your current work. This is useful if you’re trying to write code and find yourself accidentally hitting Alt+F4 every time there’s an error message before getting back on task.
  • Make sure that there aren’t any important files missing from your system by running a script called check files that checks for missing files based on their size.

What are aliases?

Aliases are similar to the way you can use variables in other programming languages. In zsh, you can define aliases that point to different commands without having to remember all of their arguments. Zsh also allows you to use the same command with multiple arguments. So that a single command can be reused multiple times by defining an alias for it and using it in different ways. Aliases are defined in the .zshrc file. They are stored as strings in your ~/.zshrc file, and they must be unique across all of your zshrc files. To create an alias, put the following code in your .zshrc file

Alias is a short form of Alias, which refers to the ability to use a single command name instead of many. There are two types of aliases: Function Aliases: These are defined if the function is used in your .bashrc file. Function names should start with a lowercase letter and contain whitespace. The function must be defined with {{{function_name()}}}. Shell Aliases: These are defined in the shell command used in your .bashrc file. Shell names should start with a lowercase letter and contain no whitespace. Names of the shell can be any string that does not contain characters that would be interpreted by shell expansion (this includes spaces, tabs, newlines, and other nonprinting characters).

Shortcut commands 

Aliases are shortcut commands that are used to execute a specific command in the terminal. Let’s take an example which is the most basic “cd” command. For example, if I wanted to change directories. I could use the command “cd movies” which would change my current working directory to the movies directory. If I wanted to change back to my home directory, I would simply type “cd” again and it would take me back there.

Aliases are shortcuts that allow you to execute commands in the terminal. An example is the most basic “cd” command. Aliases can be useful if there is a simple way to perform a task. But you want to save some time by not having to type the exact command every time. Aliases can also be used to execute commands in parallel. For example, if you wanted to print out all of your files on your computer, you could type “ls | less” in order to print them out one page at a time. This is because the command “less” will take multiple pages and display them at once allowing you to scroll through them much faster than if they were printed individually on paper by hand!


An example is the most basic “cd” command. To create an alias, use the following syntax: alias name_of_command “command_that_you_want_to_execute”

The alias name must be unique and cannot contain spaces, underscores, or other special characters that may cause problems when used as an argument to your shell. For example:

alias cd1=’cd /Users/user/Desktop’ 

Setting up aliases in your zshrc file

For those of you who have been using the default shell, you may have noticed that there is no way to type text outside of your current directory. This can be a bit limiting, especially if you are trying to get your bearings in an unfamiliar environment. Fortunately, this can easily be fixed with a simple alias. To start off, open up your zshrc file:  nano ~/.zshrc Next, add the following line to the bottom of the file: alias lcd ‘cd -P’

  1. Create a file called .zshrc in your home directory with the following content: alias myzshrc=’myzshrc’
  2. Make sure the myzshrc file is executable by running chmod +x filename.
  3. To add an alias to a new line, you can use either ctrl+a followed by backspace or ‘:’ followed by entering. Repeat this step until you have all of your aliases listed on one line in your zshrc file.

How to create a zshrc file in macOS

Creating a zshrc file in macOS is easy. You just need to follow a few steps. First, you will have to open Terminal. Once you are in Terminal, type the following command:

echo “source ~/.zshrc” > ~/.zshrc

Now, you will be prompted to enter your password. Type it and press Enter key when prompted. This command will automatically create a new .zshrc file in your home directory (where all your files are stored). From now on, whenever you want to use the zsh command line interface, simply open Terminal and type the following command:  zsh

You can also create a folder where all your zsh files will be stored under ~/Library/ZSH/Completions/ folder and then add this path as an alias in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts tab > App Key and chose. Open Shell from here option instead of using ~ as the above mentioned path.

Steps to create a zshrc file 

The zsh shell is a popular shell that lets you run bash in an enhanced environment. It has many features that are useful for programmers and sysadmins, such as custom prompts, tab completion, and more. On macOS Mojave, there is no separate command line tool called “zsh”. The zsh shell is included in the default installation of macOS Sierra and later. You can use the Terminal app to open a terminal window with zsh as its default shell. This guide will teach you how to create your own user-specific .zshrc file that lets you customize your system’s default behavior. I’m going to walk you through the steps of how to create your own zshrc file in macOS.

  • First, open the terminal.
  • Make sure you are in your “~/ (home/<user>) directory.
  • Enter the command ” touch ~/.zshrc“. A new file will be created in that directory.
  • Open and edit the file with your text editor of choice and save the changes.
  • Load it into your shell by typing “source ~/.zshrc”.

Zshrc vs bashrc

There are a lot of different shells available for Linux, and each has its own configuration file. Two of the most popular shells are Zsh and bash, and each has its own configuration file: .zshrc and .bashrc. So what’s the difference between these two files? In short, .zshrc is used for configuring the Z shell, while .bashrc is used for configuring the bash shell. The main difference between the two is that .zshrc is executed every time you open a new Z shell, while .bashrc is only executed when you open a new bash shell. This means that .zshrc can be used to set up your environment every time you open a new shell. While .bashrc can only be used to set up your environment when you open a new bash shell.

Zsh is a powerful shell that includes many features to make your life easier as a developer. One of the most notable features is the ability to customize your shell environment to suit your needs. This can be done via the .zshrc file, which is similar to the .bashrc file for bash users. While both files serve the same purpose, there are some key differences between them. The .zshrc file is located in your home directory, while the .bashrc file is located in your root directory. The .zshrc file is also sourced automatically when you start a new zsh session. While the .bashrc file must be sourced manually. Additionally, the .zshrc file supports more powerful features than the .bashrc file.

The main difference 

If you’re new to Unix, you may have heard of the Bash shell. It’s a common Linux and Mac command-line interface (CLI) that comes pre-installed on most systems. It’s also available through the package manager on Windows. But most Windows users will probably use a different CLI interface (such as PowerShell) instead. The Bash shell is powerful, but it can be confusing if you’re not used to it. The syntax is different from other shells, and it has its own configuration file. So that users don’t have to memorize all of its options by heart. This can be difficult if you don’t use it all that often or haven’t had much experience with commands like cd or ls.

Bashrc is a Bash configuration file located in the home directory and is hidden, unlike the zshrc file, which contains the entire setup source of the zsh shell. The bashrc file is used to store your environment settings and key bindings. The bashrc file also contains some other commands that can be used by running them at the start-up of your shell. By default, Bash stores all of its startup files in /etc/bashrc or /etc/profile.d/.  The zshrc file is used to store all of the configuration settings for Zsh, including aliases, functions, and special built-in commands. It also contains some other commands that can be used by running them at the start-up of your shell. By default, Zsh stores all of its startup files in ~/.zshenv or ~/.zprofile.d/.

Zshrc add to path

The zshrc file is a configuration file for the Z shell, a type of Unix shell. The file is used to set up environmental variables, such as the PATH, for the Z shell. If you want to add a directory to the PATH variable, you can do so by editing the zshrc file. To edit the zshrc file, you will need to use a text editor. If you are using a Unix-based operating system, such as Linux or FreeBSD, you can use the vi or nano text editors. If you are using a Windows-based operating system, you can use the Notepad text editor. Adding a directory to your path in Zshrc is a simple process.

First, find the directory you want to add to your file system. Then, open your Zshrc file in a text editor and add the following line at the bottom of the file, substituting in the directory you want to add:

export PATH=”PATH:/directory/you/want/to/add”

Save the file and close it. Now, when you open a new terminal window, the directory you added will be in your path and you can access it just like any other directory.

Read Also: Smvvm folder – A Complete Guide

Steps to add the path 

To add a Zshrc file path, follow these steps:

  1. Open a command line terminal and go to the directory where you want to store Zshrc files.
  2. Create a new file called zshrc in this directory by using the touch command with the name you want your new file to have. For example, if you want to create a zshrc file called myzshrc, type touch myzshrc.
  3. Move into the directory where your new zshrc file is located (for example, cd /home/user/Desktop/myzshrc).
  4. Use nano or vi as your editor by typing nano zshrc or vi zshrc in your terminal window, depending on which one you prefer.
  5. Type this code into your editor: 


  1. Save and close the file by pressing Ctrl + O followed by entering on your keyboard followed by yes for saving changes if prompted by an editor’s prompt box. Otherwise, press enter and save changes without prompting anything else from within the editor program itself.

Functions in .zshrc

Zsh’s functions are a way to make it easy to do things that you might want to do often. For example, if you want to run some code every time you log in, or repeat an action after a certain amount of time has passed. You can put that code in your .zshrc file. The functions are similar to aliases instead of using a command name, you use an actual function. You can also use a function as part of a command line. The .zshrc files are quite helpful to you in many ways. One of the most important functions that the .zshrc file provides is the ability to create your own commands. You can make your own custom commands that can be used to perform different tasks for you. Such as changing the environment settings or adding new aliases for shortcuts.

One of the most popular things that people do with their .zshrc files is made custom functions that they can use throughout their shell sessions. This can be done by creating a function in a zsh function file and then using it in any other parts of your shell session. There are two types of functions: built-in and user-defined. Built-in functions are those which have been provided by default by your distribution, while user-defined functions are created by yourself using some programming language (such as Python).

10 of the most common functions

The .zshrc file is a shell configuration file that allows you to set options for your shell. Zsh has a number of different functions, which can be accessed by typing “functions” followed by the name of the function. For example functions=(echo “Hello World!”) The above example will output “Hello World!” to the terminal when you run it. The .zshrc file is a configuration file for the Z shell, a type of shell used in many Unix-based operating systems. This file contains various settings and options that can be used to customize the shell environment. There are a variety of different settings that can be included in a .zshrc file, but here are 10 of the most common functions:

  1. Setting the ZSH_THEME environment variable.
  2. Specifying the path to the oh-my-zsh directory.
  3. Enabling shindig completion.
  4. Customizing the ZSH prompt.
  5. Setting up alias functions.
  6. Changing the ZSH history file location.
  7. Modifying the ZSH auto-correction behavior.
  8. Adding key bindings.
  9. Enabling syntax highlighting.
  10. modifying the Z.

zshrc vs zprofile

There are two main shells in Linux: zsh and bash. While both shells have their own advantages and disadvantages, zsh is generally considered to be more efficient and feature-rich. One of the most noticeable differences between zsh and bash is the way in which they handle startup files. In bash, the default startup file is .bashrc, which contains shell configuration commands that are executed each time a new bash shell is opened. On the other hand, zsh uses the .zshrc file for startup commands. However, there is also a second startup file called .zprofile which can be used to override settings in .zshrc.

So, what’s the difference between zshrc and zprofile? Essentially, .zshrc is executed when a new zsh shell is opened, while .zprofile is executed when There is a lot of debate among Linux users about which shell configuration file is better: zshrc or zprofile. Both files have their pros and cons, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Here is a brief overview of zshrc and zprofile:

  • zshrc is sourced when a new Zsh session is started. It is typically used to set environment variables, aliases, and functions.
  • zprofile is sourced when a new login shell is started. It is typically used to set system-wide options, such as changing the default umask.
  • So, which file should you use? It really depends on your needs. If you want to set system-wide options, then zprofile is the way to go. If you just want to set environment variables and aliases for your own user.

To wrap things up

My personal zshrc is pretty simple, and many people have found it very useful as a starting point. The important thing, however, isn’t just the commands you have in your zshrc, but the philosophy behind why they’re there. Make sure you understand each command and its place in your shell. Once you do that, you’ll be able to add to your zshrc with confidence. In the end, there are plenty of zshrc files to choose from. Just remember that the best way to get a feel for how this work is to play around with them yourself. If you’re not familiar with command lines, this could be a good opportunity for you to get familiar with and see what you might want to be included in your own zshrc file.

FAQs on .zshrc files

What is a .zshrc file?

A .zshrc file is a configuration file for the Z shell, a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a command interpreter for shell scripting. The file contains a list of shell commands, and each time the shell is started, the commands in the .zshrc file are executed.

Why would I need to edit my .zshrc file?

You might need to edit your .zshrc file if you want to change your shell settings or if you want to add new shell commands. For example, you could add a new alias (a shortcut for a command) or a new path to your .zshrc file.

How do I create a .zshrc file?

You can create a .zshrc file in any text editor, such as nano or gedit. Once you have saved the file, you need to make it executable by running the chmod command.