Infinity blade for android

Infinity Blade is an iOS-exclusive game and it has not been made for Android devices, yet. The developers of Infinity Blade are Epic Games and they have been constantly working for Infinity Blade to be available on Android devices soon. The only thing that they are not able to decide is the platform on which they will be releasing Infinity Blade for Android. There is a game called ‘Death Dome’ and coincidently it looks a lot similar to Infinity Blade and Borderlands 2.

Now that we know that Infinity Blade is an iOS game, so we should be aware of its starting level too. The starting level of Infinity Blade is 6 and 720 attacks. Infinity Blade was removed from the app store on 10th December 2018. Earlier, Infinity Blade had a permanent home on the App Store, but since it has been removed, it does not have a permanent home anymore. If you have purchased Infinity Blade in the past or just before its halt, then we are sorry to say that there is nothing that can be done for your loss. In case, you have purchased it and you wish to re-download it, then you just leave it on your smartphone or device. But, if you have already purchased it, then you can attempt to download it again from the Play Store.

Infinity blade for android

What is Death Dome?

‘Death Dome’ is a popular title that has been shifted to Android. Death Dome is set up in a ruined city that is filled with huge monsters and the whole city is infected with viruses. The graphic design of Death Dome is absolutely amazing and very attractive. You should also know that when you play this game, then you will be in a third-person action game. Please keep this in mind! This game also allows you to play with your friends by joining a group.

Can we get Infinity Blade?

Infinity Blade has been removed from the App store for a lot of years now but has been taken down quite recently. There is a piece of good news about Epic Games, the developers of the Infinity Blade have been working constantly to try and bring the Infinity Blade back on the App Store. The exact time of the Infinity Blade to come back is not specified but let us hope it is soon!

The origin of Infinity Blade

The Infinity Blade was developed by Chair Entertainment. Chair Entertainment is not some new developing platform, but just another name for Epic Games. Earlier, Epic Games was called Chair Entertainment. It was an iPhone showcase when it was released for the first time. The graphics of the game were amazing and very realistic. If the graphics of any game are realistic and attractive enough, then it creates a lot of market and liking for the game. There are a lot of other games out there in the market and Infinity Blade might not have proved to be of their level/standards, but it still has a huge base. People seem to enjoy and like Infinity Blade very much. But what do we do if we do not own an iPhone? How do we install Infinity Blade on our Android devices? Let us look into detailed answers to these questions below!

How to get Infinity Blade on Android?

There are a lot of ways by which you can get Infinity Blade on your Android Device. You can easily download a fake or replicated version of the game from Android Play Store. It will cost you nothing but the condition is that you need to be extremely careful while doing so. If you are aware enough of some popular sources to download the Infinity Blade, then you are good to go. You can also look for a mod or a ROM to download the Infinity Blade.

How to re-download Infinity Blade?

A very common question that occurs in the mind of many users is if users can re-download Infinity Blade. Well, the simple and detailed answer lies in this paragraph. A lot of mobile gamers wonder about the same question. The original and the most authentic version of Infinity Blade was never really put on the Google Play Store. Thanks to the developers they have been constantly trying to copy the exact same design of the game in order to make it available on the Google Play Store. Mostly all the copies that are developed by the developers are unsatisfactory. But, not all the designs are not up to the mark, there are some designs that you should definitely look forward to. Following these steps diligently, you successfully download Infinity Blade for Android once again. 

Some more facts about the Infinity Blade

The infinity Blade was released in December 2010. This game had crossed the basic and ongoing standards of mobile games. It was a very advanced and attractive game that had a huge audience for itself! The graphics of Infinity Blade were beyond amazing and the storyline that it was based on, was really a very attractive one. The game was extremely liked by the young audience and the demand for the game was increasing every day in the market. A lot of developers joined in to design Infinity Blade. The game developers who were involved were Epic Games, Impossible Studios, Chair Entertainment, etc.

 Infinity Blade had a huge importance in the market as it was the first ever iOS game that actually used the Unreal 3 Engine. This was one of the major reasons for Infinity Blade to get so popular in much less time. You may wonder what exactly is the Unreal 3 Engine. In simple words, Unreal 3 Engine is a technology that is now quite popular in the field of game development. It is a technology that basically allows AAA-quality graphics on small screens too. Surely, it had some limitations too but it proved to become a very big success for the game developers in the field of finance. This, in turn, resulted in Infinity Blade becoming the highest-grossing game among all the games developed to date on iOS.

Unfortunately, Infinity Blade was removed from the App store after its spread. It started with Epic Games suspending all the titles that it had provided to Infinity Blade. These titles included Battle Breakers, Infinity Blade, Infinity Blade Stickers, etc. Sadly, now it is just impossible to download Infinity Blade again from the App store. But, you can still continue to keep Infinity Blade on your smartphones if you wish to download it again later sometime.

Has Infinity Blade been removed?

You may wonder whether Infinity Blade has been removed on Android or if is it still there.- Infinity Blade has been removed from the Google Play store i.e. from Android, via Epic Games. But, it is not just the case with Android, but Epic Games has also decided to remove the game from the iCloud Store of Apple. They have done this in order to ensure that it will not be available on the purchase tab. You may think that if Infinity Blade was such a popular game and was in huge demand then why was it removed? Seems a bit odd right? Well, this whole plan of removing the Infinity Blade, firstly from Android and then from Apple’s iCloud was based on the idea that it would make all the users wait more and more for this game. 

This is a great marketing strategy if we think about it! They wanted to lure people to their game in order to not lose its value and demand in the market. Unfortunately, things do not always happen as we wish them to, and the example lies in this topic itself. The whole idea of removing Infinity Blade in order to lure the audience backlashed on the Epic Games itself! Fortunately, Epic Games has now disabled all the in-app purchases for Infinity Blade, on all the platforms. Epic Games states that it will continue to receive updates in the next upcoming months.

In case, you wish to buy a new game to play on your Android device, then the best suggestion would be to first browse through the Google Play Store and then find a suitable and compatible game of your choice and then go ahead and purchase it! There can be a lot of different reasons why Epic Games took down Infinity Blade. Some of those reasons are that there were a lot of complaints coming from the users with respect to the game. There have been many issues regarding the performance of the game as the performance was not as described. There were also a lot of incompatibility issues, which people included in their complaints. 

Please do not think negatively of the game as there were a lot of people who actually loved the game and had absolutely no complaints. The in-app purchases were seen as a sign that the developers were taking appropriate action to avoid a backlash. Even if we neglect these reasons, you will still have difficulty in re-downloading the game from the App store, when the developer has completely removed it.

Can I use an iOS Emulator for Android?

Nowadays, people are using iOS Emulators for Android. Using an iOS Emulator for Android helps you to introduce the operating system of your Android to that of iOS. It includes usage of all the apps that are available on iOS and cannot be accessed by Android users on their devices. An emulator lets you use everything that an iOS user can use without taking up much of the space on your device and without putting too much pressure on your RAM.

iOS emulators for Android provide your Android interface with a replacement. You get a complete graphical interface of iOS that simulator the iPhone UI. This, in turn, gives your Android interface a new and fresh graphical outlook. As far as the applications are concerned, there are different ways to get started. For now, we will be focussing on three major, popular, and most demanded three options below.

Android iEMU

The first iOS emulator for Android is iEMU. It is one of the most popular emulators for Android out there in the market. After downloading this emulator, you can go ahead and download any apps or games on iOS in whichever device you have. A plus point with this emulator is that it does not take many resources to run any apps that you wish to have on your smartphone. There is no doubt that using iEMU, may be stressful and there will be times when users have faced issues in launching games.

The Cider APK

Cider APK, which is popularly known as the Cycada APK is a very common iOS emulator for your Android device. The Cider APK is an open-source application. The good news is that is it free for everyone whosoever wants to install a good and effective iOS emulator on their device. You can easily download all the apps and games available on iOS on your device. You can effortlessly convert your Android device’s UI/UX just like an iPhone.

Appetize Emulator

Appetize Emulator is yet another emulator which is very efficient in the services that it provides. It works and is compatible with almost all Android devices. The installation and setup process is pretty easy and user-friendly. It is highly compatible with even the lowest versions of Android.

Main reasons for the removal of Infinity Blade by Epic Games

As we discussed above, Infinity Blade is one of the most popular and in-demand games in the market out there. Ironical as it may sound, this very fact is the reason for its removal. However, the true and clear reason still is unsaid and is assumed by us. We can only think of the most possible reason as Epic Games might be trying to test the need for it in the market for Android and iOS games.

To our surprise, there has been a release of Epic Games Store for Windows and Mac. This makes us all believe that maybe there is hope for Infinity Blade to come back! There could also have been some disturbing issues with the game with regard to its updation, which ultimately led to its removal. Removing the game can also mean that the developers wanted to improve it or fix any possible bugs in it. They might be aiming to make the game a bit more user-friendly for the audience.

Even though the removal of Infinity Blade is quite saddening for the users who seemed to like it very much, we still hope that it will come back with added features, fixed issues, and amazing graphics!


In this article, we read about Infinity Blade for Android and how it does not exist anymore. We discussed various possible reasons for its removal and we also learned about how Infinity blade was one of the most popular games out there. It had a special and important place in the game market but now that it has been removed by Epic Games, we can only hope that it will come back with an improved version!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Infinity Blade in Fortnite?

The Infinity Blade is a new weapon in Fortnite. The blade is sort of a weapon that occupies a huge radius in front of the player. The best feature that we observe is that the player can fire multiple quick attacks by pressing the attack button. When your blade lands, it damages anything that comes in its path. It can be used both horizontally or vertically.

Will Epic Games bring back the Infinity Blade?

Ever since the Infinity blade has been removed from the Google Play Store and App Store, it has led people to wonder about the main cause of its removal. Many believe the reason is compatibility issues but the most assumed and authentic reason which looks logical is that Epic Games was basically testing the market and demand for Infinity Blade.

Is there any harm to my Android device on installing an iOS emulator?

No, there is absolutely no harm to your device when you decide to download an Android emulator as it takes up very less of your storage and puts negligible pressure on the RAM of your device. It is safe to use and there is no need to worry about any malicious activities to start happening on your device.